Dawn of the Croods is an TV series adaptation of the film of the same name. It ran from 2015 to 2017 on Netflix and in 2018 was televised in Canada on Family CHRGD.
- Stefania Russo
- This is the third DreamWorks show to be flash-animated. The first being Turbo FAST and the second being The Mr. Peabody & Sherman Show. However, this show only used Flash in the episodes School of Hard Rocks, This Mean Warts, and Garden of Eaten. The rest of the series is traditionally animated.
- The show takes place before the events of the film.
List of Dawn of the Croods Episodes
- A Gran Day Out
- School of Hard Rocks
- Wet Hot Ahhh! Valley Summer / Grug Vs. The Moon
- This Mean Warts
- The First Picture Show
- Caved & Confused
- The Eep-Over / Thunkytown
- Mom Genes
- Garden of Eaten
- Night of the Living Croods / A Spoonful of Soo-Gar
- Friday Night Liyotes
- The Crood Who Knew Too Much / Scent of a Thunk
- Unsolved MysterEep
- Gran the Unfriendly / Ghost Bad Sandy
- It Crushes / Rebel Without a Paws
- Grug vs. Math / Footloss
- The Good Surprise / Night Mare on Eep Street
- What Screams May Come / Grunt Anything
- There Will Be Eggs / I Think Were Alone Meow
- FrEepy Friday
- Grug vs. Gurg / Unfair Fair
- Baby Face Off / The Pursuit of Wrinkliness
- Croodtopia / Hands on a Hard Egg
- Disaster of Puppets / Love Will Eep Us Together
- The Tide is Nigh / Rain Grain
- Dawn of the Broods
- It Takes Ahhh! Valley
- Deus Ex Monkhuahua / Slak Attack
- Gorgey Girl / A Gran Adventure
- 127 Owwws / 28 Fleas Later
- To Squawk with Love /Lerk Was The Night
- The Flawed Couple / Go-Sip Girl
- Munk History / Happy Howl Day
- Snooty and the Beasts
- Zero Dark Thunky / Pie vs. Pie
- Super Smash Siblings /A Hole in Grug
- Bait with Destiny / Sappy Together
- Scare Tactics / DisturbiAHHH!
- Thunk O’ Clock High / The Croo-gitive
- A Few Good Grugs / Valley Shine Day
- My Big Fat Gran Wedding /The Strutting Edge
- Wrestlebabia: The Musical / Flowers for Munk
- They Might be Sky Giants / The Grugest Story Ever Told
- Worms of Endearment / Dr. StrangeGrug or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Spear
- Tunnel of Terror / Creature from the Crood Lagoon
- Voice Fail
- Punch-Thunk Love / Nay Boors
- Caverns and Creepers / Red Teacher
- Grug’s First Chance / Furry Road
- My Big Fat Gran Wedding / The Strutting Edge
- Can’t Hardly Bai / Crood Detente
- This Is an End