The Croods Wiki
Name Death Cat

Macawnivore (Felinus-kaleido mega-cranium)

Type Mammal
Diet Carnivore
Behavior Hostile/Tamable

Macawnivores, also known as death cats, are an apex predator of the Croodaceous time period and a relative of the saber-toothed cat (Smilodon).


Their name is the combination of Macaw (a kind of parrot), and Carnivore (a class of animals that only eat other animals).



Their heads are quite large in comparison to the rest of their body, being larger than those of their relative Saber-Tooth Cats and even modern cats. Their snouts where short yet thick and their mouths are quite large and possess teeth of that of your average feline aside from their elongated canines which hang over their chins as well as their elongated thick tusks which poke out from the corners of their mouths and curve upward, with the tusks being completely unique to this species of feline and reaching a length of 4.9 Feet or 1.9 Meters. Their nose is padded similar to that of other felines and is black in coloration.


Their tongues are quite thick and similar to that of modern felines possess barbs on them for grooming, as shown through the individual chunky.


Their paws are quite thick and are covered in thick fur, they are also quite maneuverable in comparison to other felines as they are able to grip objects with them. They also possessed claws on the tips of their toes which appear to be retractable.


Their ears are triangular in shape and are short and thick, being able to fold back and move around allowing the feline to emote similar to that of other felines.


Their eyes are large and are yellow in coloration.


Their tails are quite long unlike that of other Saber-Tooth Cats and are more similar to that of the modern feline such as a tiger.


They possess short fur on most of their body with thicker fur along their paws, a mane from the top of their head to the middle of their back, similar to that of a donkey, and feathers mixed within the fur. They possess elongated whiskers which come off of their snout giving them a better sense of balance similar to modern felines.


Their coloration are be similar to that of macaws coming in many different colors possessing a gradient or a solid color along the top of their head, the mane, around the ankles, spots along the back, and a band around the tip of the tail. Their cheeks are always white while their paws can either be white or match their gradient. They can also have markings near their nose. Black markings rest along the cheeks and on the sides of the snout as well as around the corners of the eye.

Their chest, belly and tip of the tail can be various colors as can be the tail tip. The tips of their ears, their sides and side of their neck are mainly primary or secondary colors acting as a band around the chest and belly. And their sides, back of the ears and back are a mixed of the gradient again.

In Croods: Family Tree "Fam Farm Fun Fest", its revealed Death Cats come in more colors such as deep purple, blue and red, lime green, violet, orange, green and white.


They possess a height of 10-11 feet 3-3.4 Meters at the top of their head.


The Macawnivore is a jungle predator similar to that of a tiger, albeit they live in a more brightly colored environment.


The Macawnivore is an ambush predator using its stealth to sneak up on their prey, aided by their coloration to blend in with that of the flora of the jungle similar to that of the modern tiger. They will attack their prey when their guard is down, be it if they aren't paying attention or just haven't seen the animal. They are also endurance based predators as they will track their prey and stalk them non stop until eventually cornering them. They are highly aggressive and will roar and caw loudly as an intimidation tactic and will usually do this while hunting, however they will not make noise when sneaking up on their prey.

Death Cats usually dislike water as most cats but when it comes to hunting prey they will go after their prey in the water.

When afraid such as when in mortal danger due to natural disasters such as The End, Macawnivores may give up their want for food and cease their aggressive behavior, seeking comfort from the nearest living thing to them even if having just spent quite a lot of time hunting it. They will also show gratitude to those who save them and are highly loyal towards those who do so.They are shown to groom themselves similar to that of modern cats and are known to enjoy being petted and even may allow rubs on the belly, unlike most modern felines especially house cats which merely present their bellies as a sign of trust and do not wish to be touched on them due to their bellies containing their vital organs.

Like Lions, they can live in prides and will accept other members of their kind and work together to hunt and play together, showing their very social nature. Strangely, they are afraid of cucumbeets.


The Macawnivore will eat almost any creature it can fit in its mouth with the exception of Piranhakeets which they fear, or at least one of them does. They are opportunistic and will take an easy meal when it presents itself such as when the Macawnivore chunky attempted to eat the Trip Gerbil rescued by Grug. In Croods: Family Tree, its revealed Death Cats can eat honey as well, meaning they could be omnivores.


The Macawnivores only known predator is that of the Piranhakeet, which is the only creature they fear, or at least only one of them did.



The Macawnivore is highly intelligent, being able to understand complex subjects such as fire giving off light and needing to be blown on in order to stay alight.


Macawnivores are very strong, being able to catch a boulder when thrown at it with a single arm as well as remove one adult Caveman (Homo Neanderthalensis) and one adult Human (Homo Sapiens) from a large tar pit which neither individual being able to free themselves prior without any struggle, being the individuals Grug and Guy by the individual Macawnivore Chunky.


The Macawnivore is able to grab things, even when thrown at them at high speeds,, such as rocks and torches.


The Macawnivore possesses a very high amount of stamina being able to run far distances without showing any signs of tiring.


Macawnivores possess a very high amount of speed, being able to reach up to 70 Miles Per Hour, allowing them to outrun a Bear Owl and even able to increase their speed by tightening their rear, usually doing this after their fur has been gripped tightly.

Agility-They possess a high amount of agility as they are able to leap over high obsticals such as the Bettermans Wall.


Macawnivores are adept at swimming and will dive underwater to chase after a prey item. The Macawnivore is able to hold its breath for long periods of time, being able to dive after prey such as when the individual Chunky dove underwater to get at Grug. They are also able to snort out air from their nose at high volumes.

Night Vision[]

Like all felines the Macawnivore is able to dilate its pupils, allowing it to emote, and this allows them to see better in the dark than other animals.


Their paws being so thick allow the Macawnivore a high amount of stealth allowing them to move around nearly undetected similar to modern tigers.


Their mouths being exceptionally large allow them to swallow most things whole, even that of an ellderly Cave Person such as the individual Gran.


Their noses are quite sensitive as the individual Chunky was able to smell the entire Croods Family from quite a distance away and even use it to track them across vast distances.

In the Movie[]

For most of the story, a Macawnivore named Chunky is a predator and threat to the Croods (mostly towards Grug for he hit him a few times with his stilts). But when he finds himself alone in the dark with Grug, he nuzzles up to him for comfort out of fear of the darkness and being alone.

Working together, Grug and the Macawnivore create a lift that is held up by the Piranhakeet flock and (while picking up a few extra passengers) they make it to the other side, reuniting with the rest of the Croods.

The Macawnivore, along with the other animals Grug rescued, are accepted into the family, Chunky happily nuzzling Grug as it "turns out he's a cat person".



  • The promos and moviemakers call the Macawnivore "Chunky", although Gran also called him Chunky "the death cat".
  • Chunky was incorrectly thought to be the movie's main antagonist before the movie's release.
  • Chunky's roar sounds similar to the Tyrannosaurus rex from Jurassic Park. Though his growls also sound like Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon.
  • The Macawnivore also resembles the zouyu, a kind of gigantic cat from Chinese mythology.
