- 127 Owwws
- 28 Fleas Later
- A Few Good Grugs
- A Gran Adventure
- A Gran Day Out
- A Gran Day Out/Gallery
- A Gran Day Out/Transcript
- A Hole in Grug
- A Spoonful of Soo-Gar
- A Spoonful of Soo-Gar/Gallery
- A Spoonful of Soo-Gar/Transcript
- A Spoonful of Soo-gar
- Aardshark
- Aardvark-Fossa
- Ab-tight Monkeys
- Abby Trott
- Abominable Snowkoala
- Admins
- Ahhh! Valley
- Albatroceros
- Alby the Giant
- Alligoators
- Among us
- Armadillortoise
- Arthur Fong
- Aunt Gloggle
- Axolotl-Iguana
- Baby Face Off
- Bad Sandy
- Bait With Destiny
- Baitsy
- Banulture
- Batanther
- Batboon
- Bear Owl
- Bear Pear
- Bearacuda
- Beaver-Moose
- Bee-tle
- Belt Crood
- Belt Crood/Gallery
- Big Chickuna
- Big Hand
- Big jimbo mazza
- Birger
- Bite Monkeys
- Blitz by the Pitz
- Blonde
- Blue
- Blurg Brood
- Boar Tiger
- Boarhino
- Boff
- Bondspire
- Booboo
- Bort
- Bow Chicka Wow Wow
- Brain Squeezer Monkeys
- Branch press
- Brent
- Brok
- Bruiser
- Bud
- Buffalippo
- Bulk
- Bullpuppy
- Bullrus
- Bullrus/Gallery
- Bunducky
- Bunny Beast
- Buns
- Butterfly-Bee
- Butterhummer
- Buttertree
- Caddy
- Camelmeleon
- Can't Hardly Bait
- Canaryorthosaurus
- Can’t Hardly Bai
- Carl
- Carnivorous Flowers
- Carnivorous Plants
- Carrion brothers
- Carter Goodrich
- Cat
- Catelope
- Catherine Keener
- Cathog
- Cave men
- Caved & Confused
- Caved & Confused/Gallery
- Caved & Confused/Transcript
- Caveheart Part 1
- Caveheart Part 2
- Cavemen
- Caverns and Creepers
- Chalk the Line
- Chameleopard
- Chicken Seal
- Chickonda
- Chickuna
- Chinchillynx
- Chion
- Chipmouse
- Chippy
- Chris Sanders
- Christophe Lautrette
- Chunky
- Chunky/Gallery
- Clark Duke
- Cleomeleon
- Cliff
- Clop
- Cloris Leachman
- Cockrat
- Cow-Mouse
- Crabby Tabby
- Creature from the Crood Lagoon
- Creepo Monkey
- Crocopup
- Crood Detente
- Croodaceous
- Croodaceous Creatures
- Croods deathed
- Croods died
- Croods dies
- Croodtopia
- Crowverine
- Crud
- Daddy Daughter Day
- Dainty
- Dared Straight
- Dark Fruit
- Dawn
- Dawn Betterman
- Dawn of the Broods
- Dawn of the Broods Part 1 & Part 2
- Dawn of the Croods
- Death Guards
- Dee
- Deercat
- Deerfly
- Deus Ex Monkhuahua
- Diaper Monster
- Disaster of Puppets
- DisturbiAHHH!
- Dodorat
- Dog Horse
- Dogfish
- Doguin
- Dominique Louis
- Douglas Crood
- Dr. StrangeGrug or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Spear
- Dragon-Giraffe
- Dragonaptosaurus
- DreamWorks
- Drinky chute
- Dronkeys
- Dub Brood
- Duck Chuck
- Duckdactyl
- Dunkey
- Eaglenest
- Eaglion
- Earl
- Echidna Monkey
- Eel Otter
- Eelfly
- Eelgle
- Eep Crood
- Eep Crood/Gallery
- Eep Crood/Gallery/The Croods: Family Tree Season 3
- Electric Snail
- Elephino
- Emel
- Emma Stone
- Fan
- Fang
- Fang Mangler Monkeys
- Fangster
- Ferretachiosaurus
- Fishcat
- Flaminger
- Flint
- Flowers for Munk
- Flush to Judgement
- Flush to Judgment
- Footloss
- Footsy
- Founder of Aah Valley
- FrEepy Friday
- Friday Night Liyotes
- Friday Night Liyotes/Gallery
- Friday Night Liyotes/Transcript
- Friday Nut Lights
- Froog
- Frump Brood
- Funk Rood
- Furry Road
- Gallery.
- Game Nightmare
- Garden of Eaten
- Garden of Eaten/Gallery
- Garden of Eaten/Transcript
- Gargling
- Gary
- German Sheepherd
- German Shepherd-Donkey
- Ghost Bad Sandy
- Giant Corn
- Giant cocoon
- Gibbon Narwhal
- Giraffe Zebra
- Giraffeoceros
- Giraffesaurolophus
- Girelephant
- Glow Frog
- Gnatfly
- Go-Sip Girl
- Goat-Rat
- Golden Retreagle
- Goldfish-Bird
- Goldfishasmosaurus
- Goodbye Crood World
- Gordo Betterman
- Gorgey Girl
- Gorp
- Gran Crood
- Gran Crood/Gallery
- Gran the Unfriendly
- Gran the Unfriendly Ghost
- Green (Calm) Berries
- Griselda Sastrawinata
- Grizzlygator
- Ground Whale
- Growthday
- Grr
- Grug Crood
- Grug Crood/Gallery
- Grug Crood/Gallery/The Croods: Family Tree Season 3
- Grug Vs. The Moon
- Grug Vs. The Moon/Gallery
- Grug Vs. The Moon/Transcript
- Grug crood f-ing die
- Grug is Sexy
- Grug versus Gurg
- Grug vs. Grug
- Grug vs. Math
- Grug vs. The Moon
- Grug’s First Chance
- Grunt Anything
- Guar Lizard
- Guineapignklosaurus
- Gunk
- Gurg
- Guy's Family
- Guy Crood
- Guy Crood/Gallery
- Guy Crood/Gallery/The Croods: Family Tree Season 1
- Guy Crood/Gallery/The Croods: Family Tree Season 4
- Guy Crood/Gallery/The Croods: Family Tree Season 5
- Guy Time
- Hammerhead Badger
- Hammerhead Horse
- Hammerhead Meerkat
- Hammerhead Mouse
- Hammerhead Rabbit
- Hammerhead Snake
- Hammerwedge Lizard
- Hamox
- Hamstegosaurus
- Hands on a Hard Egg
- Handsy
- Happy Fruit
- Happy Howl Day
- Hare Bird
- Hare Lizard
- Hawk Lizard
- Headbutt Monkey
- Hedge Frog
- Hedgehat
- Helmet Rat
- Hippo Boar
- Hippocheetah
- Hippolligator
- Hippomadillo
- Hippomoose
- Hipporcupine
- Hogsbok
- Hope Betterman
- Hope Betterman/Gallery/The Croods: Family Tree Season 1
- Horned Snail
- How the croods died
- Howl
- Hummingbug
- Hwam I Am
- I Think Were Alone Meow
- I hate the croods 2 it's such a tradh movie it's coming out soon next month usually movies aren't announced that soon before they come out
- Ibexpanda
- Ibisfly
- Iguana Cat
- Impalamingo
- Indominus rex
- Iron Beak
- It Crushes
- It Takes Ahhh! Valley
- Jackrobat
- Jason Scheier
- Jellyfishbird
- Jenny Crab Claws
- Jerkalippo
- Joel Crawford
- Juggaliyotes
- Jumping Spideetle
- Jumping Spidug
- Kangadactyl
- Kangadillo
- Kangaroo-dactyl
- Kangaroopelican
- Kangasaurus Rex
- Kelly Marie Tran
- Kevin
- Kick Monkey
- Kid Cave
- Kid guy
- King Mole
- Kingfisher Raccoon
- Kiwi Pig
- Kiwi Rat
- Koala Bird
- Koaleopard
- Koarabbit
- Krispy Bear
- Land Orca
- Land Shark
- Land Squid
- Landwhale
- Leighton Hickman
- Lerk Crood
- Lerk Was The Night
- Leslie Mann
- Lightingwhale
- Liners