The Croods Wiki

The Wigasus is a small gliding rodent from the Croodaceous Time Period, who serves as Gran's hair.


Their name comes from the words Wig (A fashion piece to hide hair loss or complete lack of hair, typically worn by those higher in age or genetically predisposed towards it) and Pegasus (A kind of mythological winged horse).


Head-They possess a very thin head and an elongated snout making them look similar to that of the modern American Opossum. They possess an enlarged pinkish red nose pad at the tip of their snout and a very wide mouth. They possess a very long and semi prehensile forked tongue similar to that of modern Snakes or Lizards. They possess multiple sharp teeth throughout their mouth.

Eyes-They possessed large raised blue eyes with black slit pupils.

Body-They possess a short neck and a very flat body with 4 short stocky 4 clawed legs with flaps of skin connecting each limb together in a structure similar to that of the modern Flying Squirrel or Sugar Glider.

Pelt-They possess very short scruffy fur over most of their body however they are known primarily for possessing a very thick bushy mane of fur coming off of their back which can grow to lengths where their body becomes invisible underneath the mass of fur when observed from above.

Coloration-They display a vibrant purple coloration throughout their fur aside from the mane on their back which is silvery white in color.


It is unknown what their true habitat is as only one has been observed under domestication, owned by Gran. It can however be assumed that it is highly forested or an area with varying levels of elevation due to their ability to glide which is common in arboreal animals such as squirrels, marsupials, snakes, lizards, and spiders.


Wigasus are shown to be able to remain stationary for long points of time however when active they are shown to be highly aggressive and hyperactive, willing to attack foes many times larger than themselves.


It is unknown what exactly the wigasus eats however due to their sharp teeth and ability to glide it can be assumed they consume meat and either arboreal or flying prey or simply attack ground dwelling prey from above via ambush similar to a modern Owl.


It is unknown what predators if any the Wigasus possesses however they may be movement based as the wigasus is willing to remain stationary for long periods of time.


Gliding-They have been shown to be able to glide in a similar manner to that of the modern Flying Squirrel or Sugar Glider.

Prolonged Sedentary Life Style-It is shown that they are willing to remain immobile for long periods of time due to none of the other members of the croods knowing that it was even on Gran's head.

Camouflage-Due to it's long stringy mane on its back it is able to make its true body disappear to the view of others allowing it to resemble an inanimate object such as the hair on someone's head.

Intelligence-The wigasus has shown the ability to understand commands as it aided the croods family in stopping the Spiny Mandarilla from eating most of the male members and also flying when commanded to by Gran.

Cold Resistance- Due to the thick hair on its back it has a very high level of resistance to cold, allowing it to fly at extreme heights.

Grip-The wigasus has displayed a high level of gripping capability with its body as it has been able to hold onto the scalp of Gran without ever letting go, even holding on throughout the entirety of the first movie.

It has been seen with four sharp-shaped claws on either side of it, most likely meaning that it is capable of climbing and likely holding on to things.

In the Movies[]

In the first movie it can be assumed that the wigasus was present throughout the entire film acting as Gran's hair.

In the second film it had its first official appearance as during the dinner confrontation scene, in which Gran reveals that her hair was not hair, but Wigasus acting as a wig. Gran later sent it to scout for the boys that were taken by a troop of Punch Monkeys. It also aided in their rescue by gran throwing it into the snout of the Spiny Mandarilla. Wigasus later had a day off at the end of the movie.


  • Its existence is quite contradictory as in the first movie Gran states that having a pet is unnatural upon guy telling her that it was like an animal you don't eat and it was serving a similar purpose like that of belt. It was also never shown eating or even being a discussion point and due to Grug's nature and similarly the entire families apprehension towards the unknown and the outside in the first movie it is unknown how it survived or was never discovered or even trusted by gran. This could however be the result of her wanting to keep it a secret the entire time and not trying to attract attention towards it although it's still unknown how it ate.

